Alaska Housing and Residential Loans
Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC)
The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) administers the Veterans Mortgage program which offers financing for qualified veterans at lower interest rates. To apply for a loan under this program, contact an AHFC approved lender. AHFC also offers a Veterans Interest Rate Preference, in which a Veteran receives a one percent lower interest rate on the first $50,000 of a bank loan with purchasing a new home. Ask the bank handling the financing to implement this program for you.
AHFC Loan Programs and Lenders
Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Contacts:
Phone Numbers:
Physical Address:
4300 Boniface Parkway,
Anchorage, AK 99504
Federal Home Loan Programs
The federal VA does not actually lend money to Veterans. Federal VA guaranteed loans are made by private lenders, such as banks, saving and loans, credit unions, or mortgage companies. The VA guaranty means the lender is protected if the Veterans fails to repay the loan. You can apply for a VA loan with any mortgage lender that participates in the VA Home Loan program. The spouse of a Veteran who receives Dependency and Indemnity Compensation can also apply for home loan eligibility.
VA Home Loan Eligibility Center
Veteran Land Discount/Purchase Preference
The Veterans Land Discount program allows certain Veterans a 20% discount on the purchase price of state residential/recreational land. The discount may be used only once during the Veteran's lifetime and may not be used in conjunction with the Veterans preference. Under the Veteran's land sale preference, before offering to the general public an unoccupied residential land by auction, a Veteran has the exclusive opportunity to purchase the land at a restricted sale at fair appraised market value. Parcels that are offered under this preference must be five acres or less, classified as settlement land, and zoned for residential use only.
Qualifications for Veteran's Land Discount
(907) 269-8400
Property Tax Exemptions for Disabled Veterans
Real property, owned and occupied as the primary residence and permanent place of abode by a qualified disabled Veteran whose disability was incurred or aggravated in the line of duty and whose disability has been rated at 50% or more by their military service or the federal VA, could be eligible for a property tax exemption. Property tax exemptions are at the discretion of the municipality the Veteran resides in. This exemption may transfer to a spouse if the Veteran passes away and the spouse is at least 60 years old. The amount of the exemption, how to apply for the exemption, and transfer applicability for the exemption are all set by the municipality. If you have questions about this benefit, contact the tax assessor's office in your municipality.