Veteran Service Officers

Veteran Service Officers are available statewide to provide free benefit counseling and claim service. VSO's have a compassionate understanding of the problems which confront veterans, their dependents, and survivors. A Veterans Service Officer knows the extent, meaning and application of laws that have been passed by the U.S. Congress in the interests of veterans, their dependents, and survivors. They also know the rules and regulations adopted by the Department of Veterans Affairs to clarify and implement those laws. A Veterans Service Officer has specialized knowledge in the best way suited to the needs of every individual veteran or other beneficiary who contacts their office for assistance.

Veterans Service Organizations

A Veteran service organization is typically a nonprofit organization, state, county, tribal, or local government agency that and serves veterans, service members, dependents, and survivors.  Veteran service organizations (VSO) are not federal agencies and employees who work for VSOs are not federal employees.  The State of Alaska, Office of Veterans Affairs works with four Veteran service organizations to assist Veterans by providing Veteran service officers.

Veteran Service Officers by Location

Veterans of Foreign Wars - (907) 257-4801

American Legion - (907) 257-4802

Disabled American Veterans - (907) 257-4803

Vietnam Veterans of America - (907) 257-4760

Disabled American Veterans - (907) 433-1065

Veterans of Foreign Wars - (907) 373-7600

Vietnam Veterans of America - (907) 707-7105


Vietnam Veterans of America - (907) 465-4211


Disabled American Veterans - (907) 353-2203

Veterans of Foreign Wars - (907) 651-9337

American Legion - (907) 456-4238


American Legion - (907) 260-7640


Vietnam Veterans of America - (907) 512-0688


Vietnam Veterans of America - (907) 257-4760