VA Travel Reimbursement

The federal VA has the authority to provide eligible beneficiaries reimbursement for mileage, special mode of transportation, and in certain circumstance, a taxi or hired car.

If you meet the criteria below, you may be eligible for mileage reimbursement or special mode transportation. You qualify if:

            • You have a service connected (SC) rating of 30 percent or more; or
            • You are traveling for treatment of a SC condition; or
            • You receive a VA pension; or
            • Your income does not exceed the maximum annual VA pension rate; or
            • You are traveling for a scheduled compensation and pension examination

You qualify for Special Mode of Transportation if:

            • Your medical condition requires an ambulance or special equipped van as determined by a VA clinician; and
            • You meet one of the eligibility criteria listed above; and
            • The travel is pre-authorized (authorization is not required for emergencies if a delay would be hazardous to life or health)

Scheduled appointments qualify for round-trip milage. Unscheduled visits may be limited to return mileage only. In order to be eligible for travel benefits when transporting to VA care or treatment, a Veteran must actually be incurring an expense. Should one or more Veterans travel together in a private vehicle, only the owner of vehicle is actually incurring the expenses, and therefore, is the only person entitled to travel reimbursement. However, should multiple Veterans share a vehicle where passengers must pay for their transportation such as taxi or where one Veteran pays another Veteran for transport, then all are entitled to travel reimbursement either at the mileage reimbursement rate or actual expenses, whichever is less. Keep in mind all Veterans must provide a receipt to indicate an incurred expense and to receive reimbursement. 

For further information, contact the Alaska VA System travel benefits section at (907) 257-4738

VA/Tribal Health Care Sharing Agreement

The tribal reimbursement program provides a means for tribal health facilities to receive reimbursement from the federal VA for direct care and services provided to American Indian and Alaska Native eligible Veterans, as well as all Veterans who live in and around tribal facilities in Alaska. This increases our total care facilities to 127 across the state. If you have any questions about this service, contact the Patient Aligned Care Team.

(907) 257-5460 ext. 5490


VA/Alaska Highly Rural Travel Grant

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Transportation Program, provides to the State of Alaska, through the Office of Veterans Affairs, a $250,000 annual travel grant. This grant provides transportation options to Veterans residing in five rural areas who need access to health care services. The following five VA approved boroughs continue to provide free transportation for Veterans: Denali, Matanuska-Susitna, Kodiak Island. Kenai Peninsula, and Prince of Wales-Hyder. Veterans living in those communities qualify to use an array of transportation options so that they may seek the health care they need.

The Office of Veterans Affairs identified and partnered with five transportation organizations to meet those needs: Interior Alaska Bus Line (Denali Borough), Valley Mover (Matanuska-Susitna Borough), Alaska Marine Highway System (Kodiak Island Borough), AAA Alaska Cab, Inc., (Kenai Peninsula Borough) and Inter-Island Ferry System Authority (Prince of Wales-Hyder). Transportation continues at no cost Veterans requiring access to the VA Medical Clinic or Community Based Outpatient Clinics, as well as hospitals under the Native Health Care Sharing Agreement or VA authorized vendors, such as pharmacies or medical specialists. Funds are limited in each area, and this program is used if Travel Reimbursement is not covered or the eligible Veteran. 

Contact the Office of Veterans Affairs 

(907) 334-0874

Toll Free (888) 248-3682