Types of Federal (VA) Disability Claims

There are three types of VA disability claims.


Standard Disability Claim

This is the slowest of the three claims processes. The standard disability claim process uses VA resources to assist the Veteran in gathering evidence to support their disability claim.  The Veteran must provide all the required information for medical records not held by federal agencies and pay any fees necessary to obtain these documents.

Find out more information on the Standard Disability Claim



Fully Developed Claim

This claim process is faster than the standard disability claim.  The Veteran provides all evidence to support their disability claim and uploads it with their application.

Find out more information on the Fully Developed Claim



Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD) Claim

This claims process is offered to service members that have not yet been discharged from military service.  The pre-discharge window is 180 to 90 days from the date of discharge.  This means that service members must file their disability claim 180 to 90 days prior to the discharge date on their orders. If you are overseas during your BDD window you must follow a separate process to file your claim.

Find out more information on the Benefits Delivery at Discharge Claim

Find out more information on the Overseas Benefits Delivery at Discharge Claim




Disability Benefits Portal



There are additional benefits that you may be eligible for that are based on a favorable decision (0%-100%) for a VA benefit and/or based on special circumstances. These are known as derivatives: Service-Connected; Non-Service Connected; and Circumstance.

VA Benefits Hotline: (800) 827-1000