Service-Related Death
If the Veterans' death is service connected, the VA will pay a burial allowance up to the maximum set by law for death on or after 11 September 2001. If the Veteran is buried in a VA national cemetery, some or all of the cost of moving the veteran's body to the national cemetery nearest the Veteran's home may also be reimbursed. There is no time limit for applying for a service connected burial allowance. The person who bore the Veteran's burial expense may claim reimbursement from any VA regional office.
Nonservice Related Death - Burial Expenses
The federal VA will pay up to an amount set by law toward the burial and funeral expense for death on or after 1 Oct. 2016, that is nonservice connected and if not buried in a national cemetery.
Pre-need Burial Eligibility Determination
The federal VA has implemented a pre-need burial eligibility determination program to assist anyone who would like to know if he/she is eligible for burial in a VA national cemetery. Veterans and their eligible family members are encouraged to plan in advance to use federal VA burial benefits that were earned through military service. Planning in advance for a Veteran's or loved one's final resting place can eliminate unnecessary delays and reduce stress on a family at a difficult time. Burial in a national cemetery is open to all members of the U.S. Armed Forces and Veterans who have met the minimum active-duty service requirements, as applicable by law. Spouses, minor children, and under certain conditions, dependent unmarried adult children are also eligible for burial even if they predecease the Veteran.
Burial Plot Allowance
When a Veteran is interned in a cemetery that is not under U.S. government jurisdiction, the federal VA may also pay a plot allowance, provided that the Veteran was discharged under a condition other than dishonorable, bad conduct, or other than honorable, and meets other qualifications similar to that of a nonservice connected death.
Claim for Reimbursement of Expenses
To file for reimbursement of burial expenses, and Application of Burial Allowance form must be submitted to the VA. The person filing the claim must also provide a certified copy of the Veteran's death certificate and proof of the Veteran's military service (DD-214), as well as itemized bills of the funeral and burial expenses.
Burial at Sea
The VA National Cemetery Administration cannot provide burial at sea. For more information, contact the U.S. Navy Mortuary Affairs Office.
(866) 787-0081
Burial Flag
A U.S. flag is provided, at no cost, to drape the casket or accompany an urn of a deceased Veteran who served Honorably in the U.S. Armed Forces. It is furnished to honor the memory of a Veteran's military service to his or her country. When burial is in a national, state, or post cemetery, a burial lag will automatically be provided. When burial is in a private cemetery, the funeral director will generally help the next of kin with this process. Also, one can attain the forms for the U.S. flag at any post office. If you are located in Alaska, you can also contact the Alaska Office of Veteran Affairs for a burial flag.
Headstones, Markers & Medallions
The federal VA furnishes, upon request and at no charge, a government headstone or marker for the unmarked grave of any eligible Veteran in any cemetery around the world, regardless of their date of death. For eligible veterans who died on or after 1 November 1990, and whose grave is marked with a privately purchased headstone, the VA may also furnish a headstone or marker to supplement the grave or medallion to be affixed to the privately purchased headstone. Eligible Veterans are entitled to either a government furnished headstone or marker, or the medallion, but not both. If requested, the medallion is furnished in lieu of a traditional government headstone or marker.
Headstones & Markers for Survivors
Spouse and eligible dependents are not eligible for a furnished headstone or marker unless they are buried in a national cemetery, state veteran's cemetery, or a miliary post/base cemetery.
Presidential Memorial Certificates
A Presidential Memorial Certificate (PMC) is an engraved paper certificate, signed by the current president, to honor the memory of Honorable Discharged deceased Veterans.
Call: (800) 565-4964 Apply for a PMC