The Alaska Veteran's Advisory Council

While the Office of Veterans Affairs deals with individuals seeking assistance with benefits, the Alaska Veterans Advisory Council has a different mission. By listening to our veteran communities, the advisory council is able to bring informed recommendations about the needs and benefits of our veterans to the Office of Veterans Affairs, and governor. They report on the success of existing legislation, regulations, benefits and services, as well as bringing concerns about needs and benefits for veterans and their dependents.


Members of the Alaska Veterans Advisory Council


Contact The Advisory Council

Authority for the Alaska Veterans Advisory Council


Alaska Statute - 44.35.105 - Alaska Veterans Advisory Council

There is created in the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs the Alaska Veterans Advisory Council.

Alaska Statute - 44.35.110 - Purpose

The council shall advise the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs and, through the governor, other departments and agencies of the state on matters concerning state veterans, their dependents, and their survivors.

Alaska Statute - 44.35.120 - Duties

(a) The council shall annually make recommendations to the governor and the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs concerning the needs of and benefits for the state's veterans, for developing public and private partnerships to meet those needs, for providing information regarding veterans' benefits and services, for improving recognition of state veterans, and on other matters concerning state veterans, their dependents, and their survivors.

(b) The council shall hold meetings and establish committees and internal procedures as necessary and appropriate to carry out its duties. Meetings shall be held quarterly or less frequently as the council determines is appropriate. To the extent possible, the council shall use teleconferencing or other electronic means to minimize the costs of meeting and to maximize public participation.

Alaska Statute - 44.35.130 - Composition

(a) The council consists of 13 members who are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the governor. The council shall include one or more persons from a veterans organization, one or more persons from a state agency that manages programs affecting veterans, and one or more persons from the general public who are familiar with veterans' issues.

(b) Members of the council who are not state officers or employees are appointed for staggered three-year terms and serve until a successor is appointed. A member appointed to fill a vacancy on the council serves for the remainder of the unexpired term of the member whose vacancy is being filled.

(c) The council shall elect a chair from among its members who are not state officers or employees.

Alaska Statute - 44.35.140 - Compensation, per diem, and expenses

Members of the council receive no salary as council members. Members of the council who are not state officers or employees are entitled to per diem and travel expenses authorized by law for other boards and commissions.